Complementary or Alternative Medical practitioners treat most illnesses and conditions. Dr. Carianna has a general alternative medical practice, treats pregnant patients, babies, children, young and mature adults, and elderly patients. She treats many patients with recurrent and chronic conditions such as diabetes, cholesterol problems, heart disease, migraines, back and neck pain, arthritis, and other pain conditions, M.S., lupus, colitis, other digestive complaints, and many other diagnostic complaints. She also sees many patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress related disorders. Dr. Carianna also sees patients who just feel unwell, have been to multiple doctors and have no diagnosis, with symptoms ranging from frequent colds, to pain, dizziness or fatigue, and many many others. Healthy and health conscious persons also come to have the doctor help them to create preventive and health optimization plans.

Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Chinese Botanicals
Chinese medicine is a system of medicine used to successfully treat a wide variety of medical conditions including pain syndromes, musculoskeletal conditions, acute and chronic effects of injuries, stress and anxiety, and a large number of chronic conditions and illnesses. It is also used to promote and enhance wellness for people interested in optimizing their already good health. Acupuncture is performed using extremely thin sterile single use needles and is sometimes enhanced by the comfortable use of warming therapies, called moxibustion. Chinese herbal preparations are also used to reinforce treatment.

Botanical Medicine
Botanical medicine is the use of plant materials for their positive chemical effects on health. Most of us find botanical medicine very easy to understand since pharmacology was an offshoot of botanical medicine, also known as pharmacognosy. Botanical medicine uses liquid extracts or capsules to deliver plant based medicine which is effective in treating many chronic and acute diseases. In many cases plant based medicine is associated with fewer side effects than their pharmaceutical counterparts.

Dietary and Lifestyle Approaches
Changes in diet, in sleep patterns, in emotional and stress management, and in activity and exercise can have profound impact on health and wellness. At times Dr. Carianna will outline potentially important choices which can help to change the intensity or course of an illness or optimize health.

Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic medicine is a traditional European treatment approach that uses dilutions of natural substances to trigger the body’s own recuperative mechanisms. It is used for treatment as well as prevention of acute and chronic illnesses and can treat multiple symptoms at the same time. It is also useful for patients who are experiencing symptoms that are difficult to diagnose.

Nutritional Medicine
Nutritional medicine involves using foods or the derivatives of foods, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural hormones, enzymes, and other substances, to treat disease or to optimize health. There is an enormous amount of clinical medical research that informs the use of dietary supplementation in the prevention and treatment of disease and the optimization of health.